League Message #29 12/30/2020

Check out this week’s darts!

City League Players –

We are approaching the time where we are ready to restart our leagues that were previously postponed. Listed below are the current start back dates along with playoffs dates for each active league. These dates are subject to change due to the pandemic, but if there is a change, we will notify players. Follow your league’s schedule on cityleagues.net under the correct tab, and refresh yourselves with all league rules by reviewing the handbooks provided under each league tab.

A&E Mixed Trips – On Schedule

Bodaddy’s Vegas League – On Schedule

Chillicothe Trips – Resume on Monday 1/4/21 | Playoffs 4/3/21 & 4/4/21

Men’sChampion Series / Women’s City League

Resume Saturday 1/2/21

League Match #6 – 1/30/21

City Invitational 2/27/21 & League Finals 2/28/21

Portsmouth City Dart Leagues (Northern, Central, Southern)

Resume Wednesday 1/6 | Playoffs 3/27/21 & 3/28/21

Portsmouth Trips – Resume Sunday 1/3/21 | Playoffs 3/7/21 & 3/14/21